
Soaked! by Abi Cushman
Soaked! by Abi Cushman

Soaked! by Abi Cushman

(I call it an ugly sketchbook so that I feel free to capture my story ideas with badly drawn doodles or little phrases- whatever is easiest to get the idea down. I thought it would be interesting in a picture book to play with the idea of someone’s attitude evolving despite the circumstances staying the same, so I wrote that sentiment in my ugly sketchbook. But the long, soggy walk home helped me realize that once I was completely soaked, the rain was actually quite pleasant. At the time, I was eight months pregnant and was definitely in the “slow waddling stage” of my pregnancy. SUSANNA: Welcome, Abi! Thank you so much for joining us today! We’re excited to get a glimpse of how you work your magic! Where did the idea for this book come from?ĪBI: I went out for a walk one summer day and ended up getting caught in a torrential rain storm. A Hula-Hooping moose, a badger with a bumblebee umbrella, a bunny in a cashmere sweater, and a very wet bear star in this unpredictable and laugh-out-loud picture book in which having fun gets the best of a grumpy bear.

Soaked! by Abi Cushman